Rotary Sponsor Recognition Day
By Joan Phillips
Covid-19 killed the Ladysmith Chemainus Golf Tournament, so Joan Phillips and Tom Andrew pivoted and saved the day!
Thank you to all the amazing supporters we have in our communities.
List of supporters available here Sponsor and Donor List
The back story - The Rotary Clubs of Ladysmith and Chemainus co-host a golf tournament at Mount Brenton Golf Course in Chemainus annually. This year would have been our 10th annual tournament, however COVID concerns caused cancellation of all tournaments for the remainder of the year, requiring us to rethink our fundraising plans.
We approached Mount Brenton Golf Club with the idea of having a Rotary Sponsor Recognition Day. All of our sponsor signs would be placed out on the course, and each golfer who showed up to play on Tuesday, September 29th, between 7:30 am and 1:00 pm would receive an entry form to complete indicating where they saw each sponsor’s sign. The contest closed when the last golfers from the 1:00 tee time turned in their entries. Also, on that day, all of the club’s rental carts would bear advertising of our supporters who paid to sponsor golf carts. The golf club readily agreed to our modified fundraising plans.
We couldn’t have asked for a better day. We had over 75 entries in our contest, which was free to enter, and approximately 230 golfers played the course during the day, giving our sponsors excellent exposure.
Congratulations to our winners, and many thanks to Jan and Eric in the Pro Shop, and to those who participated in recognizing our sponsors.