Earlier this year Pastor Darin of the Oceanview Church offered to donate the proceeds from the 2019 Eggs Benefit annual fundraiser to the Forrest Field Enhancement Committee. The June 23 event raised over $3,000.00.
Earlier this year Pastor Darin of the Oceanview Church offered to donate the proceeds from the 2019 Eggs Benefit annual fundraiser to the Forrest Field Enhancement Committee. The June 23 event raised over $3,000.00 after cost which was presented to Rotarian Gerry Beltgens, the current chair of the committee. Gerry was one of the “Celebrity Chefs” for the event along with a host of other local faces including Mayor Aaron Stone, Fire Chief Ray Delcourt, MP Paul Manly, Larry Williams of the Eagles, Local Ambassadors Kennedy Jessome and Josie Tinney and a host of others mentioned below.

Around 600 people attended the event and were fed 1,600 eggs that were turned into delicious Omelettes and French Toast. Island Eggs donated the eggs for the event. Pastor Daren welcomed everyone and commented later, “I think I enjoyed this one more than any of the others for the simple fact of community good will, so many great conversations with people and how grateful they are for the way Oceanview contributes and makes this a better place to live.”
The Forrest Field Enhancement Committee is made up of representatives of the Rotary, Lions, Eagles, Kinsmen, Mid Isle Soccer and supported by the Town of Ladysmith and Stz’uminus First Nation. The goal of the committee is to support the continued development of Lot 108 and Forest Field as a community sports destination for local residents and the central island. The group has raised close to $18,000 through fundraisers, donations and grants for the project.
Celebrity Chef List: 8:30 a.m. shift - Nikki MacCallum – Nikki Designs; Wayne Johnson – Ladysmith Fire Rescue; Cassie Loveless – BC Ambulance/Tour de Rock; Slava Govorov – Panago Pizza Ladysmith; Christy Woods – LRCA; Don Florence – 49th Parallel Grocery; Gerry Beltgens – Ladysmith Rotary; Dan Gillard – Ladysmith Fire Rescue; Christine Gaudreau – Island Eggs; Lance Stephenson - BC Ambulance Paramedic
10:30 a.m. shift - Tammy Leslie – Chamber of Commerce; David O’Connor – Robson O’Connor LLP Law Firm; Ray Delcourt – Ladysmith Fire Rescue; Lesley Parent – 49th Parallel Printers; Kennedy Jessome & Josie Tinney - Ladysmith Ambassador Team; Aaron Stone – Mayor of Ladysmith; Larry Williams – Eagles; Paul Mycroft – Market2All; Jana Godkin – My Doctor Suggests; Paul Manly – MP Nanaimo Ladysmith representing Green Party; Lori Phillips – All Round Town Volunteer Superstar, Pastor’s Wife, Mother of 2 beautiful daughters!