DG Maureen Fritz-Roberts and AG Gay Wise address Special Joint Meeting of Ladysmith and Chemainus Rotary Clubs
District Governor Maureen Fritz Roberts, her husband and manager Dale accompanied by Assitant Governor Gay Wise, joined the Rotary Clubs of Chemainus and Ladysmith for a joint meeting on October 2nd at Chakalaka Bar and Grill. This was DG Fritz Roberts last stop on her visits to 65 District Clubs.
31 members from the two clubs were greeted by and had the opportunity to chat with both the DG and AG. It was a great informal way to share stories about Rotary and the community and the communities in which we reside.
Following dinner, DG Fritz-Roberts presented her inspiring vision for the year to the clubs. She reminded attendees of the advantages and responsibilities that Rotary and Rotarians have compared to others. There is a reason why people trust Rotary. She spoke about what joy she gets from Rotary and how little things to us make a huge difference to others in the world.
We were reminded that the Rotary Foundation is an opportunity for Rotarians to give money and have projects focusing on poverty eradication, clean water, education, disease prevention and treatment, and women and children's health supported by those donations around the world.
Two members were presented with their Paul Harris Fellow Pins: Eowyn Sinclair of Ladysmith received her Paul Harris +2 and Tom Andrews of Chemainus, his Paul Harris +7. Thank you for the continued support of the Rotary Foundation.
Following the presentation by DG Fritz Roberts we had presentations on two Rotary projects:
Chemainus Rotary shared its on-going projects in Guatemala which included: shoes, stoves, and building homes. It was an inspiring presentation.
Disaster Aid Canada E.D. Gerry Beltgens shared with the clubs the progress being made by Disaster Aid in the Bahamas. Over 100 tents, 300 bedpacks and 17,000 hygiene items have been sent and the pictures of the progress being made to house Bahamians in these tents was inspiring.