Awards and Art at the December 19 Meeting

Kathy Holmes and Gay Wise make presentations and the committees report in.

December 19, 2020
Presentation by Kathy Holmes:
The December 19 Meeting was highlighted by a fascinating presentation by Kathy Holmes, the president of the Ladysmith and District Arts Council. Kathy brings an extensive business background and arts background to her role. She is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Ladysmith Downtown Business Association, and still works part time for the Ladysmith Chronicle.
Kathy was very appreciative of Rotary’s donation of $2000.00 to help fund tuition for very successful student art camps in summer, the purpose of which is to “give art to everybody” in the 4-day camp of play & fun. They are looking into ways to provide transportation for First Nations students from Stz’uminus First Nation.
Kathy is co-chair with Gerry Beltgens for “Artists for Hospice”, an art show and Gala Fundraiser for the Rotary Gardens at Cowichan Hospice House. The Arts Council has been a supporter of many Rotary Events. “We are stronger when we work together as community organizations,” said Kathy. 
Artists for Hospice will be a week long exhibition of art and photography starting February 24 and culminating on February 29 at a show and auction sale at the Council’s temporary location, 444 Parkhill Terrace in Ladysmith.
Gerry Beltgens presented Kathy with a certificate towards the inoculation 30 children against Polio as the Club’s gift to her for speaking at the meeting.
Rotary International Platinum Distinction:
The other exciting presentation of the evening was a presentation by Gay Wise, District 5020 Asssitant Governor to the Rotary Club of Ladysmith with a Rotary International Platinum Distinction for “helping to be the inspiration in the lives of people all over the world. The Club had met all of its goals in the 2018/19 year under president Joan Philips and was one 1 out of only 4 clubs that made that distinction out of 92 Clubs in the district.
Other events in the evening included:
Don Mercer updated the Club on the International Committee’s commitments and that the Guatemala project and trip was going ahead late January, 2020.
Paul Williams updated on the Community Committee: A debrief was held on the successful Light Up and Breakfast with Santa; There was a $500 donation to LRCA; We are volunteering at the Blood Donor Clinic in February
Eileen updated Youth Services Committee:  Amy Sennett is our Youth Ambassador representative; Brian King (a recently inducted member) represents Rotary with that program; The Youth Leading Reconciliation Conference was a success with with 105 indigenous, multicultural, and non-indigenous youth in attendance; The LSS Interact Club is collecting warm weather clothing (socks, touques, coats, etc.) in January and working to organize emergency preparedness event in the new year.
Joan emphasized that the Garden Tour will happen again in 2020, we are looking for suggestions for gardens.
John updated Rotary Foundation information: Contributions this year – Polio Plus 13, Paul Harris award holders 15, Multiple Paul Harris award holders 9.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 - Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!